A game developer whose purpose is to create moments of Awe.



“ That sweet, sweet fusion of wonder and fear, irresistible attraction and soul-numbing dread known as awe.

Awe is the Grail of artistic achievement. No other human emotion possesses such raw transformative power, and none is more difficult to evoke…

Awesome things don’t hold anything back. Awesome things are rich and generous. The treasure is right there. ”

Brian Moriarty, The Secret Of Psalm 46



  • Headquartered in Bedfordshire, UK

  • A studio of remote working industry professionals.




Awe Interactive was founded by David Jones in 2019 to make awe inspiring games. David was joined by Josh Sullivan, Nathan Knight and Sam Houghton shortly after. We believe our calling is to make the best possible experiences for players like ourselves. We strive to create things that we and our players love. We feel that our calling is to create the next generation of great and ambitious games.

Fundamentally, people make computer games because they love games and want to pursue the great visions they have in their heads. But they end up unable to follow that creative spark for fear of budget, time and production concerns. Awe Interactive was created to have a pure focus on making awesome games.

David Jones, Founder

I believe we are about making awesome games that are fun and entertaining. Our main goal is to create awe-inspiring experiences for the player, we do this by making the games we love.

Josh Sullivan, Designer


Our GAME values

Awesome games are rich and generous

Our games are made to be deep and wide. We strive to over-deliver. We hope that every player feels that our games have been generous towards them.

Awesome games are personal

We invite our developers to inject their personality into our games. We invite our players to have ownership inside our games; whether that’s a quest designer writing a dark tale of personal loss, or a player building a city to the stars.



Awesome Studios are honest and respectful

We believe in showing respect to all. We believe in honesty, honour and respect. We expect this from our employees and as a studio we will endeavour to foster an honest, honourable and respectful culture.

Awesome studios are learning and growing

We believe that every member of our team has both the desire and responsibility to learn and grow. The games industry is a fast moving industry that requires constant reinvention.

Awesome studios value their people

We are assembling a great group of people and great people can be trusted. We value our players and their contributions towards making the most awesome games in the universe.